Thursday, 30 October 2014

A day like today..

Whenever I'm having a bad day at uni, or I'm struggling to get work done, or I'm doubting whether it was even a good idea for me to go to university... I have a scroll through my Uganda photos. Now this isn't all together relevant for my blog but I'd just like to share some photos with you, of my wonderful children who I love so dearly. Of the people I met and worked with in Uganda who am I doing all of this for. They keep me going.

To see them all in school, and finishing school. To see them properly fed and  with a tap in their houses that brings them clean, safe water. 
To see them with good, sturdy shoes on their feet and comfortable clothes and big beaming smiles (which they already have!). 
To see them dreaming of big futures full of excitement and discovery.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Picture: Roger West

Quote: Roger West
Photo: Unkown
Compilation: Sally Claydon

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


Moving away from home is always an adventure and one I'm not too unfamiliar with. It always reminds me of the little home comforts that I was used to before I left. And I would be lying if I said that one of those wasn't my bed! Now I was never really a bed snob until I was surprised by my wonderful family with a wonderful new bed on my return from Uganda. After 10 months of living fairly basically, my new double bed felt like I was sleeping on the clouds.
Two months later and I was once again packing my things to start university. We all know that student accommodation doesn't pride itself on luxury but my little room is lovely and all the photos on my wall are a little reminder of home. My flatmates have become my friends and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. However I have found myself complaining about my bed, dreaming of my mattress of clouds back home, secretly admitting to myself that I actually miss it more than is probably normal. 
One day, I remembered an article that I'd seen online about bedrooms from around the world. The photojournalist had taken a series of photos showing a child, and then their bedroom. The children came from Brazil, Scotland, The West Bank, Nepal, USA and some others. Here are some of the photos...
Alex, 9, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bilal, 6, Wadi Abu Hindi, The West Bank

Ahkohxet, 8, Amazonia, Brazil

Indira, 7, Kathmandu, Nepal

You can see the full article here:

It's a real eye-opener. We see our beds as a place of comfort and safety, but I imagine that this isn't the case for the majority of these children. When I first saw it I swore I would never again complain about my room. But as with most promises to myself, I soon forgot about it.

Then I met Gladys and Edith.

These two little sisters came along to the school we taught at in Uganda.
Gladys (yellow), Edith (green) and us gappers.
I will tell their full story one day.
Every time I complain about my bed, or my room, or a bad night's sleep, I think of these two. Without fail. When we first met Gladys, my friend Anna went to visit her house. When they arrived they found a room with a thin foam mattress on the floor. That was the bed of their pregnant mother. 
Where did Gladys and Edith sleep? On a carrier bag. One each.
A plastic bag that we use to carry home our food shopping and then dispose of without a thought. But to Gladys, that was her bed.
When I first heard about the conditions the two girls were living in I was brought to tears. And even now thinking about it makes me emotional.
Thankfully, things are looking up for these two precious lives. They both go to school regularly and have lunch provided for them. Their mother is trying to set herself up with a food stall to earn an income. The charity Smile International are also helping to build a new school building for Ruth Mother Care which I am SO excited about and so thankful to God for blessing such a wonderful place. 

When we count our blessings we don't usually remember our beds. They're just a given. We're always going to have somewhere warm and cosy to sleep. But maybe next time you snuggle down under your duvet you'll spare a thought for those who don't have the same luxury. This isn't a guilt trip, really it's not.
I just want to remind you how blessed you really are.  

(If you want to take part in some practical help, I know that child sponsorship programmes quite often provide children with new mattresses or blankets. Smile Internationals' 'Gifts with Love' give you the opportunity to send a blanket to someone in a developing country)

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Write to your MP: Recognise Palestine

Last night I attended a talk on Gaza, titled "Trauma, Grief and Resilience". It focused on the Palestine Trauma Centre and how it is helping children and families in Gaza. We were privileged to have Dr Altawil as a guest speaker. Dr Altawil is a Palestinian doctor and founded the PTC. 
I had been trying to follow the news on Israel and Gaza, but honestly, I knew a shamefully small amount about the situation. I did a bit of research before going to the talk so I wouldn't feel too out of my depth. However the speakers were really informative and helpful and I kept up! If you feel like you don't really know anything about it, I suggest you spend a bit of time looking into it!
The Palestine Trauma Centre works in the heart of the communities in Gaza. They believe in therapy through play and they try to lift the spirits of the children. As soon as the bombardment stops, the team are out on the streets with parachutes, hoops and balloons, interacting with the children and trying to return their childhoods to them, despite the devastation that surrounds them. 

Find the PTC on Facebook:

We sit at home here in the UK and we wonder how we can help. We see the devastating images on the news and hear the awful stories and feel helpless. However on 13th October the British government will vote on whether or not to recognise Palestine as a state. I'd like to encourage you to write to your local MP and ask them to attend this vote, and vote to recognise Palestine. 
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign have a letter already written up for you, all you need to do is enter your postcode and it will guide you through writing to your MP.

Thursday, 2 October 2014


Sorry I've not been posting for a few weeks! I've just started at university and I'm run off my feet with introductions and lectures and try-outs! I will post as often as I can. Thank you for clicking on my blog x