Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Write to your MP: Recognise Palestine

Last night I attended a talk on Gaza, titled "Trauma, Grief and Resilience". It focused on the Palestine Trauma Centre and how it is helping children and families in Gaza. We were privileged to have Dr Altawil as a guest speaker. Dr Altawil is a Palestinian doctor and founded the PTC. 
I had been trying to follow the news on Israel and Gaza, but honestly, I knew a shamefully small amount about the situation. I did a bit of research before going to the talk so I wouldn't feel too out of my depth. However the speakers were really informative and helpful and I kept up! If you feel like you don't really know anything about it, I suggest you spend a bit of time looking into it!
The Palestine Trauma Centre works in the heart of the communities in Gaza. They believe in therapy through play and they try to lift the spirits of the children. As soon as the bombardment stops, the team are out on the streets with parachutes, hoops and balloons, interacting with the children and trying to return their childhoods to them, despite the devastation that surrounds them. 

Find the PTC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PalestineTraumaCentreUk?fref=ts

We sit at home here in the UK and we wonder how we can help. We see the devastating images on the news and hear the awful stories and feel helpless. However on 13th October the British government will vote on whether or not to recognise Palestine as a state. I'd like to encourage you to write to your local MP and ask them to attend this vote, and vote to recognise Palestine. 
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign have a letter already written up for you, all you need to do is enter your postcode and it will guide you through writing to your MP.

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